In March, the FLC Ladies Guild hosted the community to their annual brunch all to benefit their local and national mission projects. Nearly $1600 was raised!
Craft Sale
Bake Sale
Harvest Festival
First Lutheran Church will participate in the Plattsmouth Harvest Festival Parade on Saturday, September7th. In harmony with the parade theme, we will show that Jesus is the Heart of the Harvest! Along the way, members will give away heart-shaped suckers, spreading the joy of Jesus. FLC won the "Best of Theme" trophy for their float titled "Growing Memories" in 2023, and "Best Use of Corn" in 2022.
Youth Group Service Project
Members of the FLC Youth Group sorted and organized donations at Heartland Hope Mission in South Omaha.
Mission Central
Members of FLC took a trip to Mapleton, Iowa and toured LCMS Mission Central for the Iowa and Nebraska Districts. Mission Central is a non-profit organization that seeks to build relationships and collaboration with the people of God, via events, workshops, and roundtables.
An in-gathering of $390.00 was collected and provided to Gary Thies, Director of Mission Central, to share with the Rev. Samuel Bobby and his family, new missionaries to Riga, Latvia.
To find out more, visit
Care Packages for Military or College Members Who Are Away From Home
The Ladies Guild coordinated the collection of donations for our College and Military members who are away from home!
There was a collection box in the Narthex for anyone who wished to donate school supplies, laundry/cleaning supplies, personal hygiene items, snacks, or anything else that would benefit our college and military members. The packages were sent out during Holy Week. If you have questions or would like to make a future monetary donation, please see Jodi Derby, Rhonda Roth or Carrie Kolb.
Reverse Advent Calendar
The congregation supported the 8th Grade Confirmation Class in their effort to donate boxes of food to needy families before Christmas. From Thanksgiving through mid-December, an item was added to a box at home and on the Sunday before Christmas, filled boxes were brought to church. The boxes were shared with the local Southeast Nebraska Community Action (SENCA) program, filling their open pantry.
Operation Christmas Child
Sunday School Children collected small items to fill Operation Christmas Child boxes through the month of October! These items were packed in plastic shoe boxes in November and sent to children in other countries who may not receive anything else at Christmas. We love to share the love of Jesus with those children. The congregation donated items like Playdough, Crayons, watercolors, stickers, glue sticks, coloring books, tape, dolls, balls, stuffed animals and other toys. They also included personal care items, clothing, and school supplies.